The Ground Rules
Any individual, group or company with suitable space systems expertise and an enthusiasm for nano-satellites Requirements
- Exploitation of nano-satellites, e.g., individual free-flying satellites typically <15 kg
- Exploitation of a constellation, a synergistic collection of two or more satellites providing a common service or multi-point data
- Mission capable of <~2-yr development time with a total lifecycle cost < ~$6M (excluding launch)
Single, secondary launch to Earth orbit to achieve initial operational capability
Evaluation Criteria
Your proposal will be evaluated and scored (out of 100 points) by the following criteria.
- Original, sustainable nano-satellite mission idea (50 points)
- Novel mission concept not yet realized or proposed, or a new implementation of an existing capability or service (20)
- This is not intended to be a single mission but rather an on-going application providing a continuous useful capability (15)
- Impact on society (15)
- Mission Feasibility (50 points)
- Technical (20)
- Programmatic (cost estimate, development schedule, infrastructure requirements) (15)
- Operational (description of ground segment and communications architecture, e.g., planned use of existing infrastructure) (15)
Regional Seminars for the Details
Our Regional Coordinators will organize regional seminars to facilitate your participation from all over the world.
Check the seminar schedules of your area.